Thursday, October 18, 2007

Weird visual illusion

Ahead of this coming week's lecture on Neil Gaiman's Sandman, why not take the test at this link and leave a note of your result in the comments section here.

I can only see it go clockwise .....


Bonnie said...

At first she was counter clockwise, but then she switched. Now everytime I look at her she switches...

Patrick O'Neill said...

She was rotating counter-clockwise at first, then I tried to see clockwise, and now I can only see her clockwise.

wwarkent said...

I saw her rotating clockwise, but after a while she switched to counter-clockwise.

Unknown said...

She's spinning clockwise to me, and no matter how hard I try I can't make her spin the other way.

Marcy said...

I saw this last week sometime and my results have been the same both times I have seen it.

First, I see her spinning clockwise and most of the time thats what I see, but at random times she switches to counter-clockwise for me...I have no control over it.

Marcy said...

Most of the time I see clockwise, but at random times she switches to counter-clockwise for me...I have no control over it.

kace said...

at first it was counter clockwise but then i read what it meant and it started to go clockwise... when i look direct at it she switches back but when i read it switches again... crazy!