Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cancellation this Week, and ....

Apologies for those who came up just for us: I have been fighting a heavy cold, and after a speaking through my four-hour Monday evening class I have woken up without a voice. Less fun than it might seem. I thought of coming up to organise Group Project work, but decided against the risk of infecting you all with my coughing & hacking. We'll miss this week's lecture & seminar and re-convene next Tuesday.
  • Please continue with the Reading Schedule as given: that is not effected. Bring Maus and The Contract With God to lecture next Tuesday.
  • Seminar presentations scheduled for this week will be given next week, along with those already scheduled.
  • The deadline for the Proposal of your major Seminar Group Evaluation Projects will be moved back one week. See the syllabus for the updated deadline. We will have some class time next week to work on this, but I recommend that you use your project blog to do work on this between now and then. You do have four hours free class time from this week, as it happens.
  • For the Seminar Presentations, please be sure to read carefully the criteria in the assignment posts, here and here (and in the permanent link list to the right on this blog.) The seminar presentation is you reading your choice of any one of your projects and leading a ten-minute seminar discussion based upon it. You are not being asked to do additional research or writing for the seminar presentation.

E-mail me with any questions or comments: I'm not going anywhere .....

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